Monday, February 21, 2011

The Bachelor goes home; well, sort of

Oh my goodness. That hat Brad opens the show in looks ridiculous on him.

The beginning of the show was, and by beginning I mean the first ten minutes, was spent recalling his feelings with each woman. That's only helpful to, let's say my poor boyfriend who was stuck watching with me.

But onto the actual show. I was ready to shove Chantal's scarf down her throat within seconds. The girl just doesn't shut up. But I guess when you grow up in a mansion, no need to worry about people hearing you.

It does seem like he meshed with her family. Her mom seemed slightly uninterested in what she had to say. She's probably thinking what the rest of us are - stop blubbering. You've known the guy for less than three months.

I don't know what it is about Ashley but I really can't stand the girl. Did she really say "oh good job" after she fed him the fry? Is he five? And does she jump on everyone when she sees them?

Proof that the title under the girls name is spun to sound like something amazing. Didn't Ashley's title say "Dentist?" But really she's a dental student. So Fashion Marketer Alli did have an excuse for dressing so poorly.

Wow. Did they really start Shawntell's part with her funeral home's commercial? Ha! This date is truly creepy though. Brad looks so weirded out. And she's making it even more strange.

Her dad doesn't seem to care about how she feels about Brad. The only thing he's really concerned with is his business.

Emily and her daughter are the sweetest things! But her daughter doesn't seem to like Brad at all. At least she warmed up a little while flying the kite.

I hate that they made it seem like his date with Emily wouldn't go well. I think they are so cute and I hope he picks her.

Brad's line about not wanting to kiss her because her daughter is upstairs sleeping was crap. He should have just asked.

So on to the recap. This show could easily take up a half hour less of my time weekly if they'd cut these and the previews before each commercial.

Ashley could have at least done her hair for the rose ceremony and what's with Chantal's crazy ballet instructor bun? That alone could be reason enough not to pick her. But apparently being so into death is slightly less appealing.

Until next time Bachelor fans.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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