Monday, January 9, 2012

And she's still crying

So I must apologize for missing the first episode of the season. Don't get me wrong! I watched it. I just didn't start my New Year's resolution of fully committing to my blog until Thursday. But I promise to keep up with all the juicy gossip and reality goodness from now on. I must start off with the honest truth. I thought Jenna showed her insecurity the moment she stepped into the house and told the other girls that she messed up her pick-up line. And my favorite was Lindzi, even before she received the first impression rose. So I'm not sure if Kacie and Ben's date made me feel happy or made me want to vomit. Either way, they obviously like each other so I guess that's good. I'm just curious if it was Kacie, or just him being in his hometown and watching home videos that made it so special. I'm not saying it wasn't touching, I just wonder if the reaction would have been the same with any of the women. The acting was horrible on the group date. Hopefully these women aren't on this show for fame. And I must say that the striped romper on Blakely was not only a little showy for a date involving children (or ten other women) but it was a little small. As for the play, I'm not sure this date is appropriate for the children's community theater. I mean, on top of being a scandalous sheep who goes around kissing all the characters, Ben ends up half naked in front of a room full of small children. So back to Blakely. I'm not sure how I feel about her. But I do think it's ridiculous that the other girls are so jealous. As for Courtney, though, I definitely see why the girls don't like her. I'm just not sure they should show it so much. The question is, which whack job will Ben keep around? We know there is always one. Now, I'm not sure if it's the editing, but Courtney is nothing like Ben described: smart, witty....sure, she's beautiful but what else? I'm shocked by how much he's enjoying this date. I just don't see it. It's obvious Blakely is a little crazy and controlling but she comes off as confident to Ben versus the rest of the women who only look insecure. And speaking of insecure, Jenna is doing nothing to help her situation. Her little run-on explanation of how she's "more like a guy than a girl" only confused me further. And really, she's still crying! Besides, the only man I see disguised as a woman is wearing a sequins green dress (Jaclyn) accusing Blakely of looking like a horse. I know Blakely is a little crazy but she definitely isn't the one out of the two of you that looks like a horse. I'm just not sure how he didn't get rid of her. At least he got rid of Jenna along with a few others. Well, week two is over and we still have plenty more drama, tears and dysfunctional dating. Until next time... - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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