Monday, February 21, 2011

The Bachelor goes home; well, sort of

Oh my goodness. That hat Brad opens the show in looks ridiculous on him.

The beginning of the show was, and by beginning I mean the first ten minutes, was spent recalling his feelings with each woman. That's only helpful to, let's say my poor boyfriend who was stuck watching with me.

But onto the actual show. I was ready to shove Chantal's scarf down her throat within seconds. The girl just doesn't shut up. But I guess when you grow up in a mansion, no need to worry about people hearing you.

It does seem like he meshed with her family. Her mom seemed slightly uninterested in what she had to say. She's probably thinking what the rest of us are - stop blubbering. You've known the guy for less than three months.

I don't know what it is about Ashley but I really can't stand the girl. Did she really say "oh good job" after she fed him the fry? Is he five? And does she jump on everyone when she sees them?

Proof that the title under the girls name is spun to sound like something amazing. Didn't Ashley's title say "Dentist?" But really she's a dental student. So Fashion Marketer Alli did have an excuse for dressing so poorly.

Wow. Did they really start Shawntell's part with her funeral home's commercial? Ha! This date is truly creepy though. Brad looks so weirded out. And she's making it even more strange.

Her dad doesn't seem to care about how she feels about Brad. The only thing he's really concerned with is his business.

Emily and her daughter are the sweetest things! But her daughter doesn't seem to like Brad at all. At least she warmed up a little while flying the kite.

I hate that they made it seem like his date with Emily wouldn't go well. I think they are so cute and I hope he picks her.

Brad's line about not wanting to kiss her because her daughter is upstairs sleeping was crap. He should have just asked.

So on to the recap. This show could easily take up a half hour less of my time weekly if they'd cut these and the previews before each commercial.

Ashley could have at least done her hair for the rose ceremony and what's with Chantal's crazy ballet instructor bun? That alone could be reason enough not to pick her. But apparently being so into death is slightly less appealing.

Until next time Bachelor fans.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Until next time Atlanta

Ladies of Atlanta, who knew there were so many high “freak” numbers among such a classy group of women? I’m most surprised by Phaedra. I guess the saying “Lady on the street but a freak in the bedroom” is very true for her.

Maybe it’s just me but I really don’t think Sheree is a very good actress. Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s fabulous but she just can’t act. Now, I think she’ll have trouble finding a man because many men are intimidated by a woman who has money and isn’t afraid of what she wants.

It really is funny to see how different women parent their children. I definitely agree with Nene that you need to be a parent to your children before you’re their friend but I think you need to build a friendship as well, while still having their respect. I think each of these ladies is a good mom in their own way. Everyone has a different situation so it’s definitely not something we can judge.

Phaedra, Phaedra, Phaedra. I’m glad someone just asked and she finally came clean that she may have been pregnant before she was married. As for her husband, you can’t help who you love. You can help who you marry but that’s a personal decision. Personal choices. But when you put your life on TV, you have to face the fact that people are going to have questions about your life. But racketeering? I love that she just brushes it off as a "white collar crime."

Onto Kim’s “singing” career. Hilarious that when they asked around as to why no one will just come out and say Kim can’t sing, faces were made, looks were thrown but, of course, it took Phaedra to speak up first. Of course the woman can’t sing! If she was any Joe Schmoe off the street, there is no way that song would have ever been a hit. I just don’t get it.

As for Kandi – if you don’t like to discuss money with friends, don’t do business with friends; it’s that simple. She’s so nice but sometimes, she’s just more of a pushover. Stand up for yourself! If you let people walk all over you, they’ll continue to do so. But Kim really doesn’t get what she did wrong.

Kim vs. Nene – they are so funny. When you have a friendship with no foundation, it’s so easy to get that upset at someone. I do love how reunion shows hash out the craziness of the season and the housewives seem like they never want to talk about it. Kim looks so uninterested in talking about her severed relationship with Nene. Nene doesn’t look all that interested either. We can’t even hear what they’re saying half the time because they just talk over each other.

So obviously the acting thing isn’t really working for Sheree since she’ll be focusing on her clothing line. Hey, wish her the best though. Phaedra’s funeral home is a little strange – ok, a lot strange. Kandi is an amazing artist. I hope to hear some exciting music soon. Cynthia is at least starting her own business which is a relief. Invest money in your business, not your husbands. Lesson learned? I think so. Kim’s about to have a baby – hopefully it looks…OK, I won’t go there. But if I ever need a wig… Nene on Celebrity Apprentice. Can. Not. Wait.

As for this season, I’m not too sad it’s over. We’ll see if the ladies of Atlanta return once again. Until next time…

Monday, February 14, 2011

The downfall of the antagonist and her many personalities

Sandy, Island, Anguila. Emily, Brad and their own island. This just further proves how insanely opposite this show is from actual dating. Obviously, they jump ahead to the picnic and skip some sort of swimming session because they go from hair dry out of the helicopter to hair wet on the blanket. And then they jump again even further because her hair is practically dry again, just wavier. Well, whatever happened that we didn’t see, the conversation ended positively and, by positively, I mean a traditional “Bachelor make out session” – good times.

I really think Brad should be ok with the reasons why Emily doesn’t want her daughter to meet the men she dates. However, I also understand that he’s probably pushing the issue because he really thinks she might be the one and he doesn’t want to propose to her without meeting her daughter first. Understandable on both ends.

I do love that he just told her he is definitely giving her a rose at the next ceremony. I knew he liked her from the get go. And I think their relationship is progressing at a somewhat normal level given the circumstances.

So basically, on Shawntell’s date, Brad says he’s attracted to her, loves her confidence, thinks she’s great and likes hearing that she’s falling in love with him – but still isn’t satisfied. Hard to please? Yup. So then the cheesiness of the rain pouring down right after dinner was just beyond anything I can handle. Or so I thought. Then came the band and the disgusting public display of affection. Yes, I am aware that I am watching a show where people are solely on there to fall in love and one man makes out with almost 20 women over the course of six weeks, but this was just gross.

Nothing cheers me up, though, like a good crazy comment from psycho Michelle. She’s so insane, it’s great. Not only did she completely insult Britt, she also wished the sink would ship. Oh, and she also said he wouldn’t even “friend” her on Facebook. Now that’s just cruel. In between all of that though, I’m pretty sure they showed a bird committing suicide into the water. I guess even the bird couldn’t take Michelle’s craziness.

I remember the days of cliff jumping. It looks like fun but the boyfriend just made me watch “1,000 Ways to Die” on some man channel. The episode showed some guy who jumped the wrong way and, well, let’s just says he didn’t survive. So, as much fun as it looks with Britt’s big ears flailing down towards the water, it’s just not something I care to do again.

Speaking of not surviving, I don’t know how Britt’s going to survive this date. Maybe Michelle was right – maybe they would never be Facebook friends. So what’s worse than getting sent home when there’s no rose on the date? Having to go home and face the rest of the girls because no one told you to pack beforehand.

So on to the swimsuit shoot. I’ve seen the SI Swimsuit models up close and let me tell you, even in my wildest dreams I didn’t have that great of a body. So I can only imagine how hard this shoot must be for these women. Never mind the fact that they are in direct competition with these other girls so it makes it even more nerve wracking.

Now, these women know exactly what they’re getting into, yet every group date they seem to have major jealousy issues. I just want to know what he feels for Michelle. He says they have this uncanny connection but I just don’t see it. She’s constantly thinking too much before she speaks which makes me believe she’s always lying. I just don’t get how he doesn’t see it.

I think when you mix early mornings, three women, one man and a few toxic green cocktails, you end up with a drunken girl who thinks you are going to send her home when you are actually giving her a rose, a snide bitch who won’t speak to you and another girl who cries her eyes out because she just confessed her love and you gave her nothing in return. Way to go Brad.

One thing I give him credit for, though, is that he seems to know what he wants when he’s not around the women. So tonight, we skip the cocktail party and go straight to the rose ceremony. And, finally! Michelle and many personalities are gone. I have to say, I think I’m going to miss her - for entertainment purposes, of course.

Home town dates next week! Who’s excited?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Atlanta Housewives reunite, but not much happens

Oh reunion shows - when all the back stabbing, trash talking and snide comments come to a head. But first - we discuss booties. Even with the lengthy conversation, I’m still not sure what a “donkey booty” is. Anyone? Anyone? Yea – that’s what I thought. Either way, I’m not sure I want one.

So Kim’s preggers. Will it be a girl or a boy? Maybe it will look like its mom and we won’t be able to tell? Oh, that was mean. Shame on me. But for a woman who smoked for the first five weeks of her pregnancy, we can only pray for that poor thing.

As for Cynthia – I think each person has a right to make their own decisions about their relationship. Only the people involved know what is really going on behind closed doors. But TV cameras can only do so much. What we see may not be who you are, but a story can only be exaggerated, not completely made up. We’ll see if it lasts.

Oh, Phaedra. Love her now but I definitely haven’t always. She’s a little odd but I think she has good intentions. She’s so educated and answers questions so well. Honestly, how can you hate her? I think she’s perfected being a “polite bitch.”

Nene, on the other hand, threw the polite part in the trash. Is she crass? Yes. Is she outrageous? Yes. Is she sometimes straight up rude? Yes. But it makes for great TV.

I cannot believe Kim has her own book coming out on how to “land your own big poppa.” At the beginning of the show, Andy asked if it might be Big Poppa’s baby and she was disgusted at the thought of it. Does that mean it’s just a book on how to be a gold-digger? Should be a good one.

So does Kim treat her assistant like a slave? I can’t really say but I can say I wouldn’t stand to be treated like that. You couldn’t pay me enough.

Well, housewives fans. We still have part two. Until then…

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The unseen side of the ladies of Beverly Hills

I'll admit I was jealous in the first five minutes. What I wouldn't give to have that much money. It's kind of sickening.

So what have these wealthy ladies had to cut back on in the recession? Store brand products? Shopping with coupons? No way. These ladies have cut back on some of the essentials like flying private and less staff to help manage their lives. I'm sure flying commercial is just daunting. And then I'm sure everyone needs four nannies but most people just suck it up and mother their children.

Not that we didn't know this before this episode, but Kim is really weird. Reflecting back on all those nutty moments just made it so clear. I feel bad for her though. It seems like she's been through a lot and just doesn't really know how to deal with any of it. That story about her husband is so awful. No wonder she has so many problems.

In order to be a true housewife of Beverly Hills, you MUST get plastic surgery. At least according to these women. Ok, maybe I'm just poor but what the hell is a filler? Apparently, if I'm planning on moving to LA I'm going to have to learn these things.

This isn't anything I haven't said before but Lisa is so freaking fabulous! She seriously gets custom clothes for Giggy. Love it! And I was trying to concentrate on the sad story about his health but I was honestly distracted by the diamond encrusted laptop.

The scene where Kyle flipped out on that girl who was all over Mauricio - I guess I don't blame her but it was a little dramatic.

Speaking of dramatic, on to Camille. I feel bad that she was married to such an ass. Their interactions are so awkward. I just think she needs to find someone to appreciate her for who she is - OK, I guess she could settle for someone who understands at least one of her personalities.

Well, just when I thought it was over...there's more. Keep tuning in.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

This week, on The Bachelor: One man, seven women and a psychopath.

You have to love the cheesy voiceover with the signature “bachelor” solo shot where they reflect on their feelings and where they stand so far. But truly, Costa Rica is beautiful. I think I’ve found my next vacation destination.

I love that Michelle is so crazy. She seriously wished a monkey-attack on Chantal. But just in case there aren’t any killer monkeys around, apes will do. And then for her to call Chantal aggressive is just great. If you live in a glass house – come on, really?

Zip lining seemed like fun but we didn’t really get to see too much interaction. The rain in Costa Rica is crazy. It happens so quickly. So instead of a picnic, we move right into a semi-strange, uncomfortable setting (at least for the viewers) where Chantal is half-dressed in a man’s shirt and Brad’s serving dessert in his pajamas. It’s just weird.

And then it’s on to another awkward group date. I just have one question – why is Brad wearing Velcro sandals? I mean, sneakers would have done just fine, I’m sure. That would be enough for me to say “please send me home.” But what makes this date better? They’ve created a group version of Michelle’s one-on-one and she is beyond mad. Now this is entertainment.

Now, Emily is great but I really think her feelings are moving too slowly for this show. But it’s funny how she is open and honest about how she sabotages relationships and then he questions it. So I wonder…does he really want people to be honest or does he only want someone to be honest if it’s what he wants to hear?

Michelle is truly crazy. If she’s this possessive now, I can only imagine how she’ll be as a wife. She should definitely be in a padded cell somewhere. I’m really interested to see what happens when she “takes matters into her own hands.”

The cave date was pretty crazy and beautiful at the same time but I really just don’t see the connection. It seems like Alli has a crush and Brad just doesn’t feel it. And that conversation about her ex and why he wasn’t “the one” made it even worse. Obviously when he said “I know exactly how you feel,” he was referring to his feelings for her. For her to go on and on about how she feels, she really just wasn’t getting it. I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

I love how the bags being pulled away causes all the girls to gasp in shock when just two minutes ago they were all voting that they think she would go home.

Of course Michelle just shows up and invites herself over when Brad needs some alone time. Has she never seen this show before? The woman who tells the guy what decisions he should make always goes home. If it’s “up to him,” why do you keep telling him which girls to send home?

The silent game doesn’t really make for good TV but Shawntell was smart to come up with a cutesy way to make him relax and have fun. Drama and crap talking about one girl behind her back does make for good TV. I do like that this group is so honest with one another.

And the results are in. Drum roll please…and, Michelle is left standing as the last two. So close but he decides to keep the crazy around for at least one more episode. He actually sounded like he regretted saying her name. Oh well. Wishful thinking. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens next week – well, what they don’t show in the preview, anyway.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bravo, Bravo TV - another drama-filled season of housewives is complete

And the battle of Kyle and Camille continues. Kyle is a bully and Camille is the victim. No surprise there. But Kim finally speaks up aaaannnnddd…..nothing. She gives us absolutely nothing. She doesn’t say that Kyle said anything to Camille but also never says that Kyle didn’t say anything. So the story goes without a beginning and without an ending for that matter.

So on to Lisa and the story of Cedric. I’m not sure I like how vague she is being and it bothers me that Kyle kept jumping in on the story. Let her tell it. It’s not Kyle’s place to publicize Lisa’s life. While she’s accepted the on-camera lifestyle, it’s still her choice to publicize certain parts of her life.

Well, Cedric is aspiring to be an actor. C’mon, who’s shocked? There has to be at least one person out there who didn’t guess that one was coming. No? Ok then.

Poor Ken and Lisa. Ken is such a sweet man which is the only reason I can believe he didn’t hit Cedric either after Cedric said all of those awful things. They must be thrilled to be moving on from that.

All-in-all, though, Lisa’s attitude is great about this. “You win some, you lose some and I lost this one.” I knew I liked her for a reason.

Oh, Taylor. Her life seems so sad. Her husband is truly the dullest person on the planet. She just needs to tell him what she wants and needs and if he can’t provide that, then there’s really no hope for her to be happy. The thing I still don’t get is if he’s this way now, how much more fun and romantic could he have possibly ever been before?

The husbands did play quite the role in this season so I’m happy they brought them out. Adrienne and Paul are great together and their advice about getting your feelings out right away is priceless. There’s nothing wrong with a little bickering. There is, however, something very wrong with not signing a prenup. Of course Adrienne signed one. She has money coming out of her ears. It’s the smart thing to do – just ask Kelsey Grammer.

I’m surprised Nick wasn’t there to pose as Camille’s husband. Now that’s a relationship that seems completely inappropriate. If I were his wife, I’d be worried now that she’s a divorcee. Maybe he knew about the affair all along and the flirting was his way of getting his foot in the door a little early. I’m sure he was aware they didn’t have a prenup. Men can be gold diggers too.

I think Kyle and Kim’s relationship is difficult to decipher. Kyle is a strong-willed person and her protective feelings and maternal instincts for Kim come across as mean. As someone with two sisters, I understand Kim when she says that her sister is the last person in the world she wants to fight with but sometimes when you are so close with someone, it’s easy to take your emotions out on the people you love.

With that said, it has been very tough to watch the ups and downs of their relationship and you can tell it was extremely difficult for them to watch it again. I do like that Kim stood up for herself and for Kyle by not wanting to discuss it.

I do love that Andy turned the entire thing around on Taylor, accusing her (and rightfully so) that she started the argument. It did become a bit tiresome watching all the housewives go back and forth with their attempts to be vague about Kim’s supposed drinking problem. Leave it up to Andy to come right out and ask her. And even though we still didn’t get an answer on the reunion, I think the reports of her drunk and making a scene at a California airport is proof enough.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to relive the dinner party but it was much better in short snippets than a full hour of high-pitched squabbling. I love how Camille says Kyle is being harsh by saying it is “more morally corrupt” to do porn than it is to do a “tasteful spread in Playboy.” Hypocritical? Definitely. Kyle is simply using Camille’s words to turn the situation around and all of a sudden Camille has a problem with what’s being said. Oy.

Will Kyle and Camille ever be friends? I guess we have to wait until next season to find out. But honestly, if everyone is all chummy, why would we keep watching?

I must say that I share Andy’s regret that this season is over. I just might cry myself to sleep tonight…but just when I thought it was over, be still my heart, lost footage! I have something to live for again. So until next time…