Monday, February 14, 2011

The downfall of the antagonist and her many personalities

Sandy, Island, Anguila. Emily, Brad and their own island. This just further proves how insanely opposite this show is from actual dating. Obviously, they jump ahead to the picnic and skip some sort of swimming session because they go from hair dry out of the helicopter to hair wet on the blanket. And then they jump again even further because her hair is practically dry again, just wavier. Well, whatever happened that we didn’t see, the conversation ended positively and, by positively, I mean a traditional “Bachelor make out session” – good times.

I really think Brad should be ok with the reasons why Emily doesn’t want her daughter to meet the men she dates. However, I also understand that he’s probably pushing the issue because he really thinks she might be the one and he doesn’t want to propose to her without meeting her daughter first. Understandable on both ends.

I do love that he just told her he is definitely giving her a rose at the next ceremony. I knew he liked her from the get go. And I think their relationship is progressing at a somewhat normal level given the circumstances.

So basically, on Shawntell’s date, Brad says he’s attracted to her, loves her confidence, thinks she’s great and likes hearing that she’s falling in love with him – but still isn’t satisfied. Hard to please? Yup. So then the cheesiness of the rain pouring down right after dinner was just beyond anything I can handle. Or so I thought. Then came the band and the disgusting public display of affection. Yes, I am aware that I am watching a show where people are solely on there to fall in love and one man makes out with almost 20 women over the course of six weeks, but this was just gross.

Nothing cheers me up, though, like a good crazy comment from psycho Michelle. She’s so insane, it’s great. Not only did she completely insult Britt, she also wished the sink would ship. Oh, and she also said he wouldn’t even “friend” her on Facebook. Now that’s just cruel. In between all of that though, I’m pretty sure they showed a bird committing suicide into the water. I guess even the bird couldn’t take Michelle’s craziness.

I remember the days of cliff jumping. It looks like fun but the boyfriend just made me watch “1,000 Ways to Die” on some man channel. The episode showed some guy who jumped the wrong way and, well, let’s just says he didn’t survive. So, as much fun as it looks with Britt’s big ears flailing down towards the water, it’s just not something I care to do again.

Speaking of not surviving, I don’t know how Britt’s going to survive this date. Maybe Michelle was right – maybe they would never be Facebook friends. So what’s worse than getting sent home when there’s no rose on the date? Having to go home and face the rest of the girls because no one told you to pack beforehand.

So on to the swimsuit shoot. I’ve seen the SI Swimsuit models up close and let me tell you, even in my wildest dreams I didn’t have that great of a body. So I can only imagine how hard this shoot must be for these women. Never mind the fact that they are in direct competition with these other girls so it makes it even more nerve wracking.

Now, these women know exactly what they’re getting into, yet every group date they seem to have major jealousy issues. I just want to know what he feels for Michelle. He says they have this uncanny connection but I just don’t see it. She’s constantly thinking too much before she speaks which makes me believe she’s always lying. I just don’t get how he doesn’t see it.

I think when you mix early mornings, three women, one man and a few toxic green cocktails, you end up with a drunken girl who thinks you are going to send her home when you are actually giving her a rose, a snide bitch who won’t speak to you and another girl who cries her eyes out because she just confessed her love and you gave her nothing in return. Way to go Brad.

One thing I give him credit for, though, is that he seems to know what he wants when he’s not around the women. So tonight, we skip the cocktail party and go straight to the rose ceremony. And, finally! Michelle and many personalities are gone. I have to say, I think I’m going to miss her - for entertainment purposes, of course.

Home town dates next week! Who’s excited?

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