Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bravo, Bravo TV - another drama-filled season of housewives is complete

And the battle of Kyle and Camille continues. Kyle is a bully and Camille is the victim. No surprise there. But Kim finally speaks up aaaannnnddd…..nothing. She gives us absolutely nothing. She doesn’t say that Kyle said anything to Camille but also never says that Kyle didn’t say anything. So the story goes without a beginning and without an ending for that matter.

So on to Lisa and the story of Cedric. I’m not sure I like how vague she is being and it bothers me that Kyle kept jumping in on the story. Let her tell it. It’s not Kyle’s place to publicize Lisa’s life. While she’s accepted the on-camera lifestyle, it’s still her choice to publicize certain parts of her life.

Well, Cedric is aspiring to be an actor. C’mon, who’s shocked? There has to be at least one person out there who didn’t guess that one was coming. No? Ok then.

Poor Ken and Lisa. Ken is such a sweet man which is the only reason I can believe he didn’t hit Cedric either after Cedric said all of those awful things. They must be thrilled to be moving on from that.

All-in-all, though, Lisa’s attitude is great about this. “You win some, you lose some and I lost this one.” I knew I liked her for a reason.

Oh, Taylor. Her life seems so sad. Her husband is truly the dullest person on the planet. She just needs to tell him what she wants and needs and if he can’t provide that, then there’s really no hope for her to be happy. The thing I still don’t get is if he’s this way now, how much more fun and romantic could he have possibly ever been before?

The husbands did play quite the role in this season so I’m happy they brought them out. Adrienne and Paul are great together and their advice about getting your feelings out right away is priceless. There’s nothing wrong with a little bickering. There is, however, something very wrong with not signing a prenup. Of course Adrienne signed one. She has money coming out of her ears. It’s the smart thing to do – just ask Kelsey Grammer.

I’m surprised Nick wasn’t there to pose as Camille’s husband. Now that’s a relationship that seems completely inappropriate. If I were his wife, I’d be worried now that she’s a divorcee. Maybe he knew about the affair all along and the flirting was his way of getting his foot in the door a little early. I’m sure he was aware they didn’t have a prenup. Men can be gold diggers too.

I think Kyle and Kim’s relationship is difficult to decipher. Kyle is a strong-willed person and her protective feelings and maternal instincts for Kim come across as mean. As someone with two sisters, I understand Kim when she says that her sister is the last person in the world she wants to fight with but sometimes when you are so close with someone, it’s easy to take your emotions out on the people you love.

With that said, it has been very tough to watch the ups and downs of their relationship and you can tell it was extremely difficult for them to watch it again. I do like that Kim stood up for herself and for Kyle by not wanting to discuss it.

I do love that Andy turned the entire thing around on Taylor, accusing her (and rightfully so) that she started the argument. It did become a bit tiresome watching all the housewives go back and forth with their attempts to be vague about Kim’s supposed drinking problem. Leave it up to Andy to come right out and ask her. And even though we still didn’t get an answer on the reunion, I think the reports of her drunk and making a scene at a California airport is proof enough.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to relive the dinner party but it was much better in short snippets than a full hour of high-pitched squabbling. I love how Camille says Kyle is being harsh by saying it is “more morally corrupt” to do porn than it is to do a “tasteful spread in Playboy.” Hypocritical? Definitely. Kyle is simply using Camille’s words to turn the situation around and all of a sudden Camille has a problem with what’s being said. Oy.

Will Kyle and Camille ever be friends? I guess we have to wait until next season to find out. But honestly, if everyone is all chummy, why would we keep watching?

I must say that I share Andy’s regret that this season is over. I just might cry myself to sleep tonight…but just when I thought it was over, be still my heart, lost footage! I have something to live for again. So until next time…

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