Sunday, March 20, 2011

Miami finally turns up the heat

To be honest, I wasn’t thrilled about the Miami Housewives and I was largely underwhelmed with the first two episodes. But alas, the third episode finally brought on some drama. Well, technically it started at the end of the second episode – classic Bravo cliffhanger. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Cristy’s face when she received that invoice from Lea but, of course, they’ll leave that until next time.

But this time we can talk about Larsa. She’s pretty enough and has a beautiful family. At this point, though, she just seems so self-involved. I do like that she takes her son car shopping and he isn’t allowed a super luxurious car. A Toyota is sensible. But her “wheeling and dealing” skills are awful. She took the first offer the guy gave her. I mean, I know she can afford a car three times that price, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try to save a little.

So, if you’ve ever heard the saying “look at a woman’s mother because that’s what she’ll be in 20 years” than you should be very scared for Phillippe. Marysol’s mother is difficult to look. The only parts of her face that move are her lips (which I’m surprised by) and her eyes. I do love that she’s a little kooky.

I have to say, Adriana’s art show wasn’t bad. It was actually the artwork that was boring. I could do that with a camera and good editing software. If I were there, I would have been thankful for the surprise performance by the other artist. Perhaps, the artist should have worked a little harder to make his show better and she wouldn’t have needed to resort to bringing in a second artist. Adriana did put on the drama right in the middle of her show and that’s just bad for business.

I am actually looking forward to the next episode. So until then…

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